About Me!

Of Ukrainian and Turkish descent hailing from Queens, Nicole is a New York-based theater artist and creator. She is currently in her last semester at Fordham University, where she is pursuing a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Communications with a concentration in Media Studies, and a minor in Theatre. Within the Fordham Theatre program, Nicole has been fortunate enough to have been involved with several productions on the design and production side, and several mainstage productions on the carpentry side. With each show and its respective responsibilities and demands, Nicole has been able to view and approach theater from numerous perspectives, departments, and attitudes. She strives to explore the art of collaboration in her processes and learn what resonates and lingers with her from her work.

Live performance and the arts have always been a part of my life. My introduction to the theater was in elementary school with a production of Mamma Mia!, followed by my first Broadway show to the production. That was also what sparked my interest in dance, which I did for four consecutive years (jazz and contemporary were always my favorites!) before stepping away. There was a slight pause on the arts in my life, until a random Wednesday during my freshman year of college when I saw Moulin Rouge! The Musical on Broadway. That was the moment that, quite literally, changed my life. I fell in love all over again with dance and got back into dance classes, I became fascinated with theater and what else there is to see, and I wanted to learn all there is to how everything works. I declared my Theatre minor a semester later, and it was the best decision I ever made.

When I see a show, one of my favorite feelings is being in the audience before the show begins, and listening to the chatter from the crowd and the buzz that is building. The lights then dim, and that chatter from hundreds of people dies down until it is eerily quiet. We are all collectively gathered in this space to watch the same show, and knowing that everyone will react and receive it differently is, to me, the most mesmerizing part. It never gets old, and it forever will remind me of why I want to work in theater. I want to help be a part of bringing a show’s vision to fruition, upholding equity and open communication, and helping build and foster creativity and collaboration.

When I’m not at the theater, I love trying and doing new things, taking photos on my point-and-shoot camera, writing plays, taking dance classes, watching movies, going on day trips out of the city, listening to music, trying out new cafés and rating their chocolate croissants*, and spending time with my friends!

*My top ranking for the best chocolate croissant I have ever had was from Cold Spring Coffeehouse!*